

Machine Tools

Drills (Presses and Radial Arm), Engine Lathes, Grinders, Horizontal Lathes, Manual Mills, Saws

Clausing / Drill Press

Clausing / Drill Press

Clausing / Engine Lathe

Clausing / Engine Lathe

Clausing / Engine Lathe

Clausing / Engine Lathe

Clausing / Grinder

Clausing / Grinder

Clausing / Horizontal Lathe

Clausing / Horizontal Lathe

Clausing / Kalamazoo Saw

Clausing / Kalamazoo Saw

Clausing / Kalamazoo Saw

Clausing / Kalamazoo Saw

Clausing / Manual Mill

Clausing / Manual Mill

Clausing / Manual Mill

Clausing / Manual Mill

Clausing / Radial Arm Drill

Clausing / Radial Arm Drill


For over a 105 years Clausing has been a leader in the Metalworking industry with rugged dependable Machine Tools. Today, Clausing markets and manufactures the best machine tools the world has to offer. Every product is backed by their independently operated Clausing Service Center. The service center has over 50,000 parts and 95% of all orders are shipped within 24 hours. As your Mid-Atlantic full-service distributor, Exact Machine Tool Sales is proud to offer Clausing machinery.